Thursday, September 18, 2008

Message from System Administrator: The Official Message Board of Al-Qaeda is once again up and running. Praise be to Allah, who in His infinite wisdom sought to repair the server. Also, many thanks to Shareef, the I.T. guy, who also had a hand in it. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Death to the West!

Allah4Eva says:

first post!!!!

1TruPath says:

Too long have we allowed the Great Satan to occupy our territory and rape us of our oil. We as knights of Islam must spill the blood of those who invade the holy land!!

O$AMArools says:

TruPath is right…Together with the Zionist regime, America occupies the Holy Land and spits in the face of Islam. They should be disparaged in chat rooms throughout the land!

Robbie1993 says:

hey have you played the new halo?????

H8NJOOZ says:

O$AMA speaks the truth, as does my new blog, Btw, Halo is materialistic Western trash. Allah is great!

O$AMArools says:

Death to the Satan in our midst!!!! To demonstrate the extents to which Allah will punish the averice of the west, I have linked to a graph wherein the x-axis represent the number of jihads one’s family has cunducted and the y-axis represents one’s likelihood of joinning Allah in the afterlife.. Truly, Islam is eternal!!

Robbie1993 says:

u guys are totul looooozers…

KhalidGreenz says:

No Robbie it is you who will lose! By the grace of Allah, I have procured financial backing for the holy war which is iminent!! Just yesterday, a Nigerian prince sent me an e-mail promissing to transfer vast wealth into my checking account in exchange for my help.. Now the Muslim world will unite and rein terror down on all infidels!!!!!

Robbie1993 says:

U suck. khalid that is the oldest scam in the book. i’d like to see you try and rain terror, pussy

H8NJOOZ says:

@Robbie: there is only one book—that of the prophet! How dare you insult Islam! may the blood of infidels floow through the streets!!

1TruPath says:

Seriously KhalidGreenz, u r getting scammed

KhalidGreenz says:

No you guys. I know it’s true b/c the very next email forecasted my triumph in the afterlife—72 sexy virgins await, all of whom are hot and horny for me!

Robbie1993 says:

U-S-A! U-S-A!!!!

Allah4Eva says:

Robbie, you will rue the day you mocked Islam!! Allah or maybe Shareef will avenge your crimes by sending you a virus and crashing your PC!!

Robbie1993 says:

good luck I have a mac, they rule against viruses

O$AMArools says:

@4Eva: you seriously still use a PC?!?!?!

1TruPath says:

Indeed, MacBook Pro is truly Allah’s choice

H8NJOOZ says:

Praise be to Steve Jobs! ;)

O$AMArools says:


Pete Reynolds may not always finish what he starts, but he always starts what he finishes. He lives in Maryland, where he actively hates birds and greeting cards.

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