Smokin’ Aces


This is an action-packed roller coaster with a great cast and almost nonstop bullets, that bombed big-time at the box office. The failure of this movie is pretty much a failure of marketing. They should have billed this as the next Ocean’s Eleven--a slick crime thriller with a huge ensemble cast including Jeremy Piven, Andy Garcia, Ben Affleck, Ray Liotta, Ryan Reynolds, Alicia Keys, rapper Common, some psycho neo-Nazi thugs, and a hysterical cameo by Jason Bateman. Piven is always awesome, but he really shines here as Buddy “Aces” Israel, a washed-up magician mixed up with the mob who’s flipped to the feds, but the plot really doesn’t matter. Basically, the story is this: every hitman, assassin, mobster, F.B.I. agent, and bail bondsman in town is trying to get Piven. A series of intricately woven connections and coincidences lure everyone to Piven’s penthouse suite in a Reno hotel and the guns start blazing. And they don’t stop! When the action starts it keeps going for the duration of the movie, and the violence here is ludicrously over the top--There is carnage by bullet and chainsaw, and a gunfight between people in two different hotel rooms in two different hotels, shooting across parking lots and pools. Needless to say, most of the cast doesn’t live to see the end credits. Most remarkably, Ben Affleck doesn’t suck. UR: -18

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The Book


The Yankee Pot Roast Book of Awesome Underappreciated Stuff
by Geoff Wolinetz,
Nick Jezarian,
and Josh Abraham

Published by
Citadel/Kensington Books.
On sale June 24, 2008.

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