Thursday, May 20, 2010

Utah, I Hatu!

1. Utah, I hatu!


2. We HATU, Utah. Ew.

Aaron Belz is a teacher, writer, gadabout, and general nogoodnik in the city of St. Louis, Missouri. Visit his Web site at

Things I've Said into Mirrors Recently You are interesting. You have a great singing voice. You are talking into a puddle of urine in the bathroom of a Ruby Tuesday's.
Poets Appealing to College Students "I Wandered as High as a Cloud" by William Wordsworth, and more.
How To
So, You’ve Decided to Become a Drifter The life of a drifter is lonely, hard and trying, but when you’re lying there, sprawled across a bench at the bus station, you can take pride in knowing that you’re helping other people feel better about their choices in life.

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