Thursday, December 25, 2008

New Categories on Santa’s List

Could Be Nicer

Nice, but Voted for Bush Twice

Only Nice When Someone’s Looking

Naughty (Within Reason)

Too Naughty for HBO, but Not Naughty Enough for Cinemax

Naughty Even for an Oil-Company Lawyer with a Smattering of Hyena DNA


Mike Richardson-Bryan used to be a lawyer, but he’s all better now. No, really. His work has also appeared on McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, in the pages of Cracked, Stitches, and The Wittenburg Door, and recently appeared in The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2007. He lives in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada with one wife and two dogs.

Rum Pum Pum Pum Christmas tales by Dickens, Ellis, & Lenin!
Lolita's Grown-up Xmas: Producers' Notes A forbidden attraction. An unthinkable love. A predictably damaged victim who's become the perpetrator, because that's how it always goes in these things.
Harold & Kumar Have Xmas Dinner at Naval Station Guantánamo Bay Harold planned to spend Xmas day watching Jean-Claude Van Damme movies.

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