Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Y.P.R.proudly presents “How to (F)Lie,” a graphic novella by Alexander Neuscheler that tells the story of a bird and his alcoholic father, and his dreams of escape.

Please click above to launchHow to (F)Lie.”
Alex Neuscheler resides in Our Nation’s Capital where he has a dog. This dog knows nothing of his owner’s submissions to internet websites, and has been known to be a ‘good dog.’

Y.P.R. on the Radio Tonight! Joey Reynolds Tonight, your Yankee Pot Roasters will commandeering the earth's radiowaves (via The Joey Reynolds Show on WOR in N.Y.C. (710 AM); syndicated nationally) to promote their new book, How Awesome Will It Be: A Teen Guide to the Second Coming Underrated: The Yankee Pot Roast Book of Awesome, Underappreciated Stuff.
Unpopular Dear Popular Mechanics, I've enjoyed the reader letters in your magazine since first sneaking a peek at your pages as a boy, but I never thought that one day I would be writing in with an unbelievable story of my own.
Who Is ScriptGirl? Kim Townsel interviews ScriptGirl--the mysterious producer's assistant who reports a weekly wrapup of script sales via viral video.

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