Thursday, May 6, 2010

Greetings from Vatican City!

Vatican City:
Come for the Intolerance, Stay for the Guilt

Thinking of a Switch to Catholicism?
Our Church Knows the Proper Place for Women and Gays

The Pontifical Swiss Guard Wants You
To Be a Catholic!

We May Still Not Agree on That Whole Divorce Debacle,
But You Can’t Deny Our Hats Are Off the Hook!

Join the Roman Catholic Church:
Our Numerals Are Letters!

Join the Catholics!
Because Progressive Thought Has No Place in Religion

Women … Gays … What Would Jesus Do?
He’d Convert to Catholicism, That’s What He’d Do!

The Roman Catholic Church:
Dogmatic Bigotry You Can Depend On

One Free Ride in the Pope-Mobile for Every Anglican Converted Before Christmas!
Andy F. Bryan is a recovering anthropologist/corporate laborer/freelance writer who resides in the desert wastelands of Arizona. His work has appeared on McSweeney’s Internet Tendency and The Morning News as well as in various print publications of ill repute. E-mail him here or marvel at his Web site.

Southern Church Flavors The finest flavors from God's kitchen.
Warning-Label Copy That Would Benefit from Tighter Editing Careful, the beverage you’re about to enjoy may be extremely hot. And there’s a good chance you won’t even enjoy it, actually. You know how it has that weird burnt taste sometimes, especially when Travis makes it?
Will Leitch Is Winning Huzzah and kudos to Y.P.R.'s pal Mr. William Fauntleroy Leitch, whose new book, Are We Winning?, lands in bookstores today.

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