Saturday, May 8, 2010

Stoli Baby

— Cry when they don’t get what they want

— Make funny sounds on their backs

— Hold your hand really freaking hard

— Get everything wet in a semi-disgusting yet endearing kind of way

— Love tits

Katelyn Sack is a writer, musician, and painter currently residing in Charlottesville. Her art has been displayed in numerous venues, and her writing has appeared or is pending publication in Timothy McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, The Science Creative Quarterly, and Opium Magazine. She would like a book deal, please.

The Search-Engine-Optimized Marriage Proposal Things changed when you came into my life. You were my free credit report, and you showed me I had potential. Our love is like Justin Bieber.
P.R. Slogans Considered at the 2010 Pontifical Ad Council on Anglican Conversion Vatican City: Come for the Intolerance, Stay for the Guilt
Southern Church Flavors The finest flavors from God's kitchen.

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