Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Cougar

Tyger! Tyger!

Cougar! Cougar! what a sight
In the bars and clubs of night,
What callow man or guy
Could resist thy lustful try?

Is it abs or shirts sans ties
That draws you to the younger guys?
What is it that you desire?
A virile lad with no spare tire?

Your ripened skin and tattoo art,
An ink gossamer? Maybe a heart?
And the kids who suckled thy teat,
Do they and Ashton wish to meet?

What to gain? A plentiful mane?
Will your tutoring be in vain?
Is it nerves? just shaky grasp
You’ll have to help him with the clasp.

All eyes on you like Britney Spears,
Despite the difference in years,
What is it you want to be?
Lover of a “bro” with a weak goatee?

Cougar! Cougar! what a sight
In the bars and clubs of night,
What callow man or guy
Could resist thy lustful try?

Romeo and Juliet: The Hipster Version But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? / I can’t see because of my wayfarers are all dirty.
Poems! We've Got More Poems! Postage Due / Spam the Man / Andy and the Puma / Hippies, Hair Metal, and How I Learned to Stop Watching Television
Two Poems Andy & the Puma / Hippies, Hair Metal, and How I Learned to Stop Watching Television

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