Friday, April 16, 2010

Erstwhile Y.P.R. contributor Teddy Wayne has written his début novel, Kapitoil, published this week by HarperCollins/Harper Perennial.

GQ calls it “the first funny novel about oil” while Vanity Fair brags that Mr. Wayne “invents—and perfects!—the pre-9/11 novel.” You can read more about the book at, or peep a trailer on the YouTube.

Better yet, just go buy it and be surprised. And then come to the Kapitoil book launch on April 19th at McNally Jackson, where we’re told there will be some wine to enjoy while you chat up literary folk about your manuscript. FREE WINE, people.

Afterward, folks will migrate to nearby boozehole Puck Fair (298 Lafayette Street, just south of Houston). Other readings in New York, St. Louis, Los Angeles, and San Francisco will follow in the coming weeks.

Kapitoil Book Launch / Reading
McNally Jackson Books
52 Prince St., New York City
Monday, April 19th, 7 p.m.

In the meantime, reread some of Mr. Wayne’s greatest hits on Yankee Pot Roast:

The Cougar Cougar! Cougar! what a sight / In the bars and clubs of night, / What callow man or guy / Could resist thy lustful try?
Romeo and Juliet: The Hipster Version But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? / I can’t see because of my wayfarers are all dirty.
Poems! We've Got More Poems! Postage Due / Spam the Man / Andy and the Puma / Hippies, Hair Metal, and How I Learned to Stop Watching Television

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