Monday, August 10, 2009


Little Shop of Whores

The Sound of Nazis



Wicked Fat

Chicago Stockyards

High School Pregnancy

Johns & Hookers

A Bread Line

High School Pregnancy

Daniel McArdle is a freelance graphic designer/trailing spouse/kept man living in Hong Kong with his wife and two daughters. He presently finds solace in short story rejections, and on soccer pitches, exhibiting a surprising knack for goal. He also amuses himself by correcting those who believe him to be Canadian (he is not, but he generally takes it as a compliment). His latest work can be found in print and online at sites like Pindeldyboz, Hobart, and Monkeybicycle. His expat ramblings can be found at

Puritan Gravestones!!! Judge Byron Edwards (aged 54 yrs of the age). Who Rid our towne of witches, recognizing Them by their dancing & some-times sleeping in past 4 thirty of the a.m.
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do Do you know how I know that you defriended me? Because my other TWENTY-FIVE friends would never do that to me and also I'm not getting your status updates, which I'm sure are fraught with anguish over our breakup—something I'd be happy to help you heal and deal with. I'll bet our make-up sex would be great, too.
Michael Winslow Pens His Memoirs To most of my fans, I was simply “the guy in Police Academy who made all the sound effects with his mouth.” But there’s much more to my career than that. For instance, I was also the guy in Spaceballs who made all the sound effects with his mouth.

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