Friday, May 15, 2009

Dear loyal readers,

As you may have noticed, 2009 has found your humble journal moving at a snail’s pace (perhaps, even, a snail with torn ACL), sporadically unearthing relics from our archives and republishing them, in lieu of the fresh daily content, topical or timeless, you’ve come to expect over the years. And our many wonderful contributors — Oy!seasons for replies.

To which we say: sorry! So sorry! We’re ashamed. And considering we’re generally shameless, that’s saying something. There is no making up this lost time, but may we offer you this picture of David Hasselhoff swinging gayly1 on a tire?

The good news, dear readers, is this:


Piping-hot content, each and every day. The finest literary satire, free as always. Huzzah!

Your humble editors
1 By which we mean both “happily” and “homosexually.”

Smothers Day Republishing Some Mother's Day Material for Dear Old Mom
Beatrice "Bea" Arthur, R.I.P. May 13, 1922 – April 25, 2009
Paunchy, Balding Mutant Ninja Turtles Today marks the 25th anniversary of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, thereby making them ... middle-aged? (And, yes, you're old, too.)

Find recent content on the main index or look in the archives to find all content.



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From the Y.P.aRchives


Fun, Fickle Fiction (for Free!)
Fact, Opinion, Essay, & Review
Poetry & Lyric
Advice, How To, & Self-Help


Spectacular Features, Calendrical Happenings, Media Gadflies
Media Gadflies
Calendrical Happenings
The Book Club


Semi-Frequent Columns
Letter from the Editors
Disquieting Modern Trends


Interviews with Interviewers
One-Question Interviews


Correspondence (Letters To and Letters From) Letters from Y.P.R. Letters to Y.P.R. Birthday Cards to Celebrities


The Y.P.aRt Gallery Illustrious Illustration Photography Photomontage Graphic Design Logo Gallery


Pop Stars in Hotel Rooms Shreek of the Week of the Day What's Up with That? Fuit Salad Nick's Guff Vermont Girl The M_methicist Daily Garfield Digest Polish Facts: An Antidote to the Polish Joke


New & Noteworthy Et Cetera, Et Cetera, Et Cetera


Contributors' Notes


The Y.P.aRchives

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