Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Four Leaf Clover

Hexadecimal Shades of Green

#009900 Hunter
#339900 Jade
#33cc00 Kelly
#339933 Emerald
#66ff33 Lime
#99ff99 Sea
#99cc00 Pea
#99ff00 Chartreuse
#663300 Mean Joe

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Vital Stats for Kathy Ireland

Height: 5’ 11” (1.80 m)
Measurements: 34B-24-34
Shoe size: 8
Role in National Lampoon’s Loaded Weapon 1: Miss Destiny Demeanor

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IMDb.com Users’ Comments for the 1993 Motion Picture Leprechaun

dmc102: What a fantastic movie!

I watched this movie originally because it was supposed to be one of those “so bad its good” flicks, but when I saw it, it kicked ass! The story was clever and interesting, it never got boring and it had a good start, middle and end. Why do critics put this down so much? Its the most fun movie I’ve seen in ages! Bring on the sequels (could anyone tell me if they are any good?)

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DMelli2: I thought 2 was better than this, 3 was okay, 4 was horrible, 5 I thought was good, everyone else thought was horrible and 6 was horrible. BTW, just in case you were wondering what my opinion on this one is, I thought it was kinda bad.
I thought 2 was the best.

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DarkSchumyFan: What a classic this movie is. It’s really pathetic seeing hard-@$$ “film buffs” rip on Leprechaun for having a stupid plot and not being scary at all, and seeing this film in the bottom 100 only makes me love it even more.

While the sequels may(or may not) have been better, none of them can match this film for the sheer amount of “moments” it has. The Leprechaun antics that just split your sides. So many to choose from.

Whether it’s the Leprechaun driving the toy truck, on a tricycle, riding a skateboard, or taking 90degree turns at 100mph in a wheelchair.

My personal favorite though is when the Leperchaun teleports to the back of Tori’s jeep, lets go, can’t even stand up straight(“Whooaaa”) crashes into a fence. Then he gets up and skates off as if he’s been skating profesionally for about 20 years. A close second is the Leprechaun rolling that pickup with a pitchfork on a go cart.

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Adam mar: I can’t believe many people hated this movie. I mean, it was funny and not scary, but not stupid. People should give movies a chance just like food.

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Dudical: I never knew this movie was a horror.. I’ve always thought of it as a comedy/family film, and I love it. Warwick Davis is awesome, and the replay value of this movie is extremly high. Also, Jennifer Aniston’s bluejeaned ass really is nice… though I never noticed it until I watched this as an adult.

A Salute to Some Things Irish

by Ray Stillman

To Sanjay, the good man at me Dunkin’ Donuts! Ye serve me green-frosted donuts with li’l green sprinkles today! Let’s drink Guinness till we vomit!

To Eugene, the li’l midget who hands out strip-club fliers on the corner of 44th and 8th! All year long ye’re just a smut-peddling wee one, but today, ye put on a green plastic hat and ye drew a sloppy four-leaf clover with a Sharpie on yer filthy T-shirt. Ye’re a leprechaun come to life! Erin go bragh, little one! Let’s drink Harp till we upchuck!

To Lucky, the Lucky Charms mascot! Ye silly little corporate logo! Blue diamonds and purple horseshoes don’t help … what ye need is a Trix Rabbit’s foot fer good luck! Let’s drink Caffrey’s till we yack up our marshmallow treats!

To Hunter and Kelly and Jade! Ye’re three o’ me favorite shades o’ green. Also, ye’re three lovely lasses who get randy after a couple o’ drinks. Top o’ the mornin’ to ye! Let’s drink Baileys Irish Cream till we regurgitate, then black out, and finally wake up in the beds o’ regrettable strangers!

To Scotsmen and Welshmen everywhere! I’ve ignorantly mistaken ye for Irishmen time and again! Hell, ye’re all Micks to me! Let’s drink Scotch till we hurl on our kilts!

To Southies in Boston! It’s not yer fault. It’s not yer fault. It’s not yer fault. Let’s drink Killkenny till we toss our cookies, get into a bar brawl, and wake up in prison with one eye stitched closed!

To Doozers, homerun M&Ms, Budweiser frogs, Chia Pets, lime Jell-O shots, Newport Lights and Area 51 aliens! Ye’re all little, green, and magical! That makes ye Leprechauns in me book! Let’s drink Jameson till we yuke on our shoes and pass out face-down in a puddle of other people’s green vomit! Where’s the magic now, eh?

To Kathy Ireland’s 1992 cover o’ the Sports Illustrated “Swimsuit Issue”!

To me Zooropa CD!

To freckles!

Let’s all drink gurgla hrreg till we argurahh largaa rabbaa harggghaaah …!

And most of all, to Officer McGinty, me favorite Irish stereotype! Ye walkin’ the beat, swinging yer nightstick, whistlin’ … Ye’re me favorite o’ all Irish cartoons, more than that li’l guy who starts bar brawls, or the old boozehound with the red nose and jowls, or the big red lug, or the knuckles-rapping nun … Officer McGinty, I salute ye!

Let’s drink till we need stomachs pumped, livers transplanted, and licenses revoked! Top o’ the mornin’! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Four Leaf Clover

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