Thursday, December 18, 2008

This Thing Does Indeed Look Like That Thing. (“On Weeeed”?)

Bambu Obama
Left, exotic, elitist President-Elect Barry Obama, in a straw fedora w/ cigarette, circa 1980, courtesy The New York Post. Right, the exotic, elitist mascot for Bambú rolling papers, since 1764.

God Came Down from Heaven and Stopped the Bullets Unriddled by lead, we will ponder the enigma of miracles and the majesty of God changing Coke into Pepsi!
How To
Glamour Magazine's Sex, Love & Life Columnists Interpret Your Husband's Testicular Configuration Configuration: Both descended. What he's trying to say: You are a warm and calm presence in my life.
The "Can't Concentrate" Manatee The "Can't Concentrate" Manatee's article on Kafka for Bookforum was due in eight hours. She stared at her computer thinking about pasta.

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