Friday, December 5, 2008

Dear Readers,

It looks like your Yankee Pot Roasters are going to be taking their holiday leave a little early this year. We deserve a quintennial vacation. We wish you and yours a whole lot of eggnog, latkes, and secular booze, depending on your choice of faith/doubt.

There’s the possibility of surprise, sporadic postings between now and 2009, but in the meantime, we hope you enjoy digging through our labyrinthine, ever-expanding archives, and keep those wonderful submissions rolling in.1

1. To those great contributors who’ve submitted but have yet to hear back, we appreciate your patience and beg your forgiveness. Replies coming soon-ish!

Encouraging Modern Trends: At Long Last Edition The At-Long-Last Triumph of Katie Couric as a Network Anchor . . . The Maybe Coincidental, Maybe Not, But Still At-Long-Last Emergence of Female Journalists in Prominent Places and in Mushroom-like Quantities . . . The At-Long-Last Payoff of Youth in Politics
Bunny Triptych A photo essay taken in Asbury Park, N.J.

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