Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Six months till skeeball season. Patience, bunnies.
Fig. 1: Six months till skeeball season. Patience, bunnies.

Never eat wind-up bunnies in months without the letter 'r.'
Fig. 2: Never eat wind-up bunnies in months without the letter ‘r.’

Pitchfork's newest staff writer.
Fig. 3: Pitchfork’s newest staff writer.

Mary Phillips-Sandy is an actual Yankee and a blogger at Comedy Central’s Indecision2008.com.
Photographer Bryan Bruchman is a New Jersey native now living and shooting in Portland, Maine.
The star of the short film Hop-O-Rama V: Day of the Bunny (2006), Bunny is developing a series of lifecasting webisodes.

Naked Lesbian Stalker You are a female and you’re completely naked. You just broke up with your girlfriend (Sheila) of over seven years not more than an hour ago and you are feeling angry, hurt, and out-of-control. The house you have entered is a major celebrity’s home, a woman you’ve worshiped for many years.
Happy Birthday, Bruce Hornsby! I know how to play "Mandolin Rain" pretty well, buddy.
Chinese Demockery! The Norman Rockwell–Axl Rose Correspondence Use Your Illustration Parts I & II

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