Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dear Bruce,

How’ve you been, buddy? Still doing your thing? Ha, ha, me too. Listen, I’ve got an idea: Let’s both change our names to “Bruce Henley.” If we combine our fan bases, who knows—maybe we’ll sell more records. Couldn’t hurt sales, that’s for sure. And that way we can both tour at the same time. Canvas twice the area, split the profits. I know how to play “Mandolin Rain” pretty well. I’ve heard you play “Boys of Summer.” You do O.K., though I think I can show you how to make the guitar lick really shine. A little practice, nobody’ll know the difference.

So what do you say? You wouldn’t have to even change your monograms. But if “Don Hornsby” somehow works better for you, I’m amenable.

Happy birthday!

Your pal,
Don Henley
(The Eagle)

Bruce Randall Hornsby, 1987's Best New Artist Grammy–winner, b. November 23, 1954

Chinese Demockery! The Norman Rockwell–Axl Rose Correspondence Use Your Illustration Parts I & II
Happy Bjïrthday, Björk! Dear Björk, Happy Björkday! I’m an inventor of new things to eat and I've concocted a tasty TV dinner inspired by you. I call it Björk ’n' Beans. It's made of 100% natural beef fat (plus two scoops of beans!)...
Banded with Great Fanfare I am Michael Madsen. You may know me as the Michael Madsen who writes books of poetry.

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