Thursday, November 6, 2008
Book Treatment to Publishers A.S.A.P.!

Dear Publisher,

The following is a treatment for a book thank you.

Party Tips for Black People
By Gary Stevens

(This will be my pen name so people might think I might be black?)

Hi, O.K.: I’m thinking of writing a book of party tips for throwing a great party. But then I said to myself, there are plenty of party-tips books out there. But what there aren’t is, are any party tips books geared toward black people so here goes!
(Note to publisher: KEEP READING!)

Chapter 1:
I’m not black but I think black people are great!!!!!! Lets get started.

Chapter 2:
Making invitations. I’ll need to do some research into the favorite fonts of black people. (Do you capitalize Black People?) Also cardstock. If I were a Black Person what kind of cardstock would I think sizzled? These will all be researched and written.

Chapter 3:
This will be the chapter where the real party tips start. Soda? Check! Ice? Check! Black people? DOUBLE CHECK!!! HAHA. See how I plan to put the reader at ease? This will be fun for everyone who is a black person (or even other race too! Who knows!?)

Chatper 5;
This chatpter will be a joke chapter! What happened to Chapter 4? It’s a mystery! Haha. It will be like a joke mystery. Just a joke though. THIS BOOK HAS NO RULES!

Chapethg 6:
Here we really start telling the party tips BIG TIME. Meat and potatoes chapter.

Ch #7:
Last chapty of book. I basicly say my goodbies to the Black People And tell them the truth I am white (even if they didn’t believe when I told them before cuz they maybe were so fooled by my pen name). This is where brotherly love comes into play. Racial together. Then when they least suspect it, one last party tip: DON’T FORGET TO HAVE FUN!!!

If you like this for a book please mail publishing money to me today!

Oh and one more thing … don’t fogret to have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gotcha again! Ha. Seriously. Thqnks for your time.

Lucas Held is a New York City–based writer, comedian, and improviser. He’s terrific.

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