Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cucumber / chèvre / salmon roe canapés

“Fun Size” Salem Lights

Your band’s demo tape

The ol’ San Jose Shakedown

Photographs of themselves sleeping

Easter candy

Right-to-life pamphlets

Handmade coupons for a free back rub

Those peanut butter shit things in the black and orange wrappers


Nathan Thornton lives, eats and sleeps in Columbus, Ohio, where he writes hilarious bios to accompany humor pieces, then shakes his head, reconsiders, and decides to play it straight. His work has appeared in a couple of other places, but he doesn’t like to make a big deal about it. And although he refers to himself in the third person, Nathan Thornton is me.

— How To —
Grand Theft Auto IV Tips for the Environmentally Conscious Father What’s a gamer dad to do when his wife is out leafleting in front of a biochemical plant (again) and he’s left alone with his young child? Thankfully, he has these cogent tips to follow.
— How To —
8 Simple Rules for Dating My Daughter Who Is Estranged from Me 1. Don't hit her. Take it from me, that makes her super estrangey.
— Listicles —
Setlist: Mime Hero The hot new game from Activision.

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