Thursday, October 9, 2008

Unpopular Summer Treats


Frozen ferret falafel

Old snow

Poo pops

Grandma’s homemade bathwater (on the rocks)

Mark Peters is a freelance writer from Chicago who writes the dictionary-blog Wordlustitude, where readers can find real words such as “bozoification” and “Oprahvescent.” His book, “Yada Yada Doh!: 111 TV Words That Made the Leap from the Screen to Society comes out September 1.

Live (Sort of) Coverage (Well, Jokes) of the Presidential Town-Hall Debate Y.P.R.'s experiment in "live-blogging" the "town-hall" "presidential" "debate."
Debate Prep Tonight, your Yankee Pot Roasters will be conducting an experiment in live-blogging during the presidential debate. And if the experiment is successful, we will likely live-blog again for Thursday night's première of Kath & Kim on NBC.

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