Monday, September 29, 2008

This Is Just to Say

I have eaten
the soy ice cream
that was in
the ice box

and which
you expressly asked
not to touch

Forgive me
it was so gross
I threw half of
it away

This Is Just to Say

I have restarted
the PlayStation
that was in
your room

and which
you left on
because you
hadn’t found a save point

Forgive me
I skipped my job interview
and wanted
to play FIFA

This Is Just to Say

I have bounced
the check
that was for
the electric bill

and which
two weeks ago
I said
was covered

Forgive me
my mom didn’t send
that money order
she promised

This Is Just to Say

I have clogged
the sink
that is in
the kitchen

and which
you requested
I not use
to rinse my silkscreens

Forgive me
my band needed merch
and Bill’s wife
wouldn’t let us do it there

This Is Just to Say

I have given away
the key
that was under
the planter

and which
you said
my girlfriend
couldn’t have

Forgive me
her sister kicked her out
but she’s quiet
I swear

Mollie Wells is a retail copywriter and music consultant from Columbus, Ohio, where she lives a cozy little life with her husband and a kitten named Kitchen. She isn’t working on anything nearly as expansive as a book, but she does often blog for Bust Magazine.

Four-Year Flashback: Closing Statements from the Castaways’ Presidential Debate What with tonight's McCain/Obama tête-à-tête being possibly canceled due to inclement fiscal weather, our collective appetite for debate remains unsated. Please enjoy this debatable article, from the 2004 election, and recall that it doesn't matter who wins the argument; only who steals Ohio.
Yankee Pot Roast Hits Up Rockland This evening, at the Barnes & Noble bookstore in glorious Rockland County, the Yankee Pot Roasters will be signing copies of their new book, Underrated, and helping readers determine with absolute confidence their underrated/overrated quotients.

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