Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More Names for Racehorses Expected to Have Undistinguished Careers

Not This One
Performance Anxiety
Clockwise! Clockwise!
Sp-Ed Racer
Perfectly Edible
Courtney Love’s Air-Tight Alibi
Shame Spiral
Clap Harder Much Harder
Free To Good Home
The Horse You Rode In On
Sir Limps-A-Lot
Daddy Needs A New Trachea
Proceeds Of Crime
Hell-Bent For Pleather
You Bought A What?
Spirit Of Ignominy
New Horse Smell
This Is Not Happening
Win One For Judas
Suicide Watch
Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please
Rhymes With Abortion
The Horse With No Name
     Or Depth Perception
Princess Bloodfart
I Can Haz Triple Crown?
Ass-End of Karma

—Mike Richardson-Bryan   

I Can Haz Triple Crown?

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People I Know

  1. Lust
  2. Gluttony
  3. Greed
  4. Wrath
  5. Envy
  6. Pride
  7. Cocaine

And Don't Forget Mr. Richardson-Bryan's Original List of Equine Nomenclature:

More Names for Racehorses Expected to Have Undistinguished Careers Equine Nomenclature Gamblers Should Avoid
Dog Poll Results, 2008 Sit, Zogby, sit. Good dog.

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