Wednesday, September 10, 2008

#1: Shittah

Incorrect usage in conversation:
“I went to Fenway Pahk yestahday, and had to pay a dollah to use the shittah.”

Correct usage in conversation:
“Noah built the Ark of shittah wood, and then packed thousands and thousands of animals into it.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“I’ll pray for your soul.”

What it means:
The tree that yielded the shittimwood of the Bible, probably a species of acacia

#2: Prickmadam

Incorrect usage in conversation:
“Here’s my prick, madam.”
“That’ll be $50.”
“What do you charge for a shittah?”

Correct usage in conversation:
“I just ate a shitload of prickmadam. Sorry about the carpet.”
“That’ll be $500.”

What it means:
Any of several species of stonecrop, used as ingredients of vermifuge medicines.
(It’s a plant that makes you shit parasitic worms out.)

#3: Titular

Incorrect usage in conversation:
“She has the nicest titular area I’ve seen in a coon’s age.”
“Excuse me while I masturbate.”
“Why don’t you do that in the shittah?”

Correct usage in conversation:
“She’s the titular head of the National Organization of Women.”
“That would explain the mustache.”

What it means:
Having a particular title, rank, or position, but not possessing the power or exercising the functions usually associated with it

#4: Dickey grind (or, nasty grind)

Incorrect usage in conversation:
“Would you like to do the Dickey grind in my titular area?”
“Here’s my prick, madam.”
“That’ll be $50.”

Correct usage in conversation:
“I saw her doing the Dickey grind at the skate park yesterday.”
“Excuse me while I masturbate.”
“Dude, she has a mustache.”

What it means:
An inline skating trick by which the skater turns 90 degrees clockwise to mount a surface, sliding with the trailing foot backward and the back skate on its outside edge

#5: Cockchafer

Incorrect usage in conversation:
“Never do the Dickey grind in that prickmadam’s titular area. She’s a real cockchafer.”
“What does she charge for a shittah?”
“That’ll be $50.”

Correct usage in conversation:
“All these trees are infested with cockchafer.”
“Pissah! What kind of trees are those, anyway?”

What it means:
A large European beetle with larvae that destroy trees and other plants. Family Scarabaeidae.

#6: Horehound

Incorrect usage in conversation:
“Bob is such a horehound, he paid $50 to do the Dicky grind on that cockchafer prickmadam’s titular area. Then he did a shittah and gave her a Dirty Sanchez.”
“That would explain the mustache.”

Correct usage in conversation:
“My horehound is infested with cockchafers.”

What it means:
A bitter perennial mint with downy leaves and square stems.

#7: Cooter

Incorrect usage in conversation:
“That prickmadam’s titular area is a real cockchafer, but I’d pay $50 to do a Dickey grind in her cooter.”
“You’re such a horehound.”

Correct usage in conversation:
“How do you like my girlfriend’s cooter?” [Pointing to her cooter.]

What it means:
A large freshwater turtle native to the eastern United States. Genus Chrysemys.

#8: Hand organ

Incorrect usage in conversation:
“I’m a real horehound, but I don’t have $50 to pay a prickmadam to let me do the Dicky grind in her cooter, so you’ll have to excuse me while I go crank my hand organ.”
“Better not do it in the shittah. It’s infested with cockchafers.”

Correct usage in conversation:
“How do you like my girlfriend’s hand organ?”
“I prefer her cooter.”

What it means:
A mechanical musical instrument with a bellows, played by turning a crank

#9: Uvula

Incorrect usage in conversation:
“Honey, show him your uvula.”
“Excuse me while I go to the shittah.”
“When you come back, I’ll show you her cooter.”

Correct usage in conversation:
“How do you like my girlfriend’s uvula?
“I can best express these feelings on my hand organ.”

What it means:
A small, fleshy, U-shaped extension of the soft palate that hangs above the tongue at the entrance to the throat.

#10: Assagai

Incorrect usage in conversation:
“Thata Luigi, he’s a reala assagai.”
“He shoulda be carefula he doesnta geta shittah on his handa organ.”

Correct usage in conversation:
“When I stiffed that prickmadam for $50, she threw an assagai at me.”
“At least she didn’t infest you with cockchafers.”

What it means:
A slender hardwood spear with an iron tip, used especially by the Zulu peoples of southern Africa.

#11: Niggard

Incorrect usage in conversation:
You know what? Let’s just skip this part.

Correct usage in conversation:
THERE IS NO CORRECT USAGE. Don’t ever, ever use it, whatever you do. Ever.

What it means (as if it matters):
Somebody regarded as stingy or miserly, if you live long enough to explain it.

WARNING: #11 is a perfectly harmless word, if by “harmless” you mean you don’t mind losing your job, and possibly having a cinder block introduced to your cranium. Even when you use this word innocently, you are taking your life into your own hands.

Adam Laceky is a powder-keg of ambivalence, cavorting precariously on the tightrope between bonhomie and petulant narcissism. His attempts at humor can be found scattered hither and yon about the Internet. The freeze-dried corpse of his political humor site can be viewed at He’ll have that $5 he owes you as soon as he gets it. Don’t be such a whiny little bitch.

Since When Is Rampant Incompetence a Valid Reason for Dismissal? If borrowing the occasional AA battery from the occasional smoke alarm makes me "irresponsible" then you may as well just call me "Mr. Irresponsible."
Remember the Children Our once-beautiful airship, the Frau Fenstermacher, is doomed, crippled by a combination of albatross collisions and sabotage. Captain Hofstadter is dead, impaled on his own cane-sword, taking with him the secret location of Isla de Pelucas Perdidos. We are losing altitude as I speak, and will soon plunge into the shark-infested waters of the Caribbean.

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