Monday, August 4, 2008


Metric Tonne-Loc

50 Pence (a.k.a. 97 Cent)

Prosciutto-Flavored Flav

Sir Mix-A-Lot, M.P. for Brighton

The Notorious G.R.A.N.D.E.


Mike lives in Melbourne, Australia, and manages his local pub—a fine use for a liberal arts education. He doesn’t have anything else published. This is it. He likes breakfast as more than a friend and owns at least four books. There is a collection of other words and so forth at

Dr. Seuss Treats a Patient All we can do now is wish for the best.
But first we must wait for a biopsy test!
Single-Celled and Loving It Men, you might want to put away your Petri dishes. Sexy superbug Muris Hepatozoon isn't looking to rapidly evolve to multicellular status anytime soon.

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