Friday, August 1, 2008


Dr. Suess, I came in because I … well, I found a lump on my breast.

Dr. Seuss:

A lump you found on your breast, oh my,
A lump you found—let’s hope it’s benign.


Um … yeah. I hope so too.

Dr. Seuss:

All we can do now is wish for the best.
But first we must wait for a biopsy test.


Why are you talking like that?

Dr. Seuss:

I’m not quite sure as to what you refer.
I could write it all down if that’s what you prefer.


The ryhming! Why are you rhyming everything? You’re freaking me out.

Dr. Seuss:

That was not my intention, I assure you of that.
I thought we were having the loveliest chat.


Lovely? I’m telling you I might have cancer.

Dr. Seuss:

Life, I know, doesn’t always make sense,
But let’s talk for a minute about health insurance.


I have … Blue Cross.

Dr. Seuss:

HMO or PPO is the answer I need,
Then we’ll continue with the greatest of speed.


I’m pretty sure it’s a PPO.

Dr. Seuss:

In that case I’ll ask for a smallish copayment.
Ten dollars will do or just two Ploppapent.


Ploppapent? What the hell is that?

Dr. Seuss:

I beg your pardon?


Now you’re just making up words when you can’t find ones that rhyme.

Dr. Seuss:

Dear lady, I assure—


Look, forget it. What about the test?

Dr. Seuss:

Just take off your top and we’ll start the exam,
Then perhaps we’ll enjoy some green eggs and ham!


Green eggs? Like, moldy eggs??

Dr. Seuss:

Just take your friggin’ top off.

Colin Nissan is a freelance writer living in Brooklyn, N.Y. When Colin isn’t hawking needless goods as an advertising copywriter, he’s writing other things, like humor essays. Some of which can be found on McSweeney’s Internet Tendency. His first book, Don’t Be That Guy, is scheduled to be published in the spring of 2009. Check out his various sundries at

Single-Celled and Loving It Men, you might want to put away your Petri dishes. Sexy superbug Muris Hepatozoon isn't looking to rapidly evolve to multicellular status anytime soon.
The Four Pop Stars With a nod and a wink to Monty Python’s “Four Yorkshiremen” sketch.
How To
So Now You're a Therapist You need scarves--lots and lots of brightly colored scarves. And you need to learn to tie them around your neck in jaunty knots.

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