Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The game ball for Super Bowl XXIII, autographed by David Hyde Pierce

Action Comics No. 1, signed by Whitesnake frontman David Coverdale

Jean François Millet’s The Gleaners, signed by the starting lineup of the 1998 Denver Broncos

Boba Fett’s helmet from The Empire Strikes Back, signed by Walter Mondale

A first-edition copy of Ulysses, autographed by Dale Earnhardt Jr.

Daniel O’Keefe doesn’t need your charity. But he’ll take it. A writer for a weekly New Jersey newspaper, he spends his time attending to anything prefixed by the word “municipal.” When not thus engaged, he does things like this. Who are you to judge him?

Things I Suspect Carlos Mencia Has Stolen from Me, Other Than Jokes My original television series concept, entitled Central Nervous System of Mencia ...
Karmic Rejection Letters Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your subscription renewal notice. While it was deftly written—and the lowered rate somewhat fiscally compelling—we’re afraid your magazine just isn’t a right fit for our mailbox.

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