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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tales to Admonish

Today’s New York Post uncovered an uncanny similarity between The New Yorker’s open-caption cartoon drawn by Harry Bliss and the cover of an issue of Marvel Comics’ Tales to Astonish drawn by Jack “King” Kirby in 1962. A spokesperson for The New Yorker declared this an uncredited “tribute.”

But wait, there’s more:
Another New Yorker cartoon by Mr. Harry Bliss also appears to be an “uncredited tribute,” this time to cartoonist John Rau, of I Will Kick Your Ass for World Peace.

Eerie coinkydink? Or Is Mr. Bliss’s sketchpad merely tracing paper?

Update: Mr. Rau offered Y.P.R. his official statement:

“I blindly trusted my fellow Americans to uphold integrity and not steal my material … my very funny material, which I posted freely on my Web site.

If Bliss does this again, I will seek damages in the form of monetary compensation. I will then invest that money to arrange a fight between Harry Bliss and Kimbo Slice. To fight Kimbo you need something like 10 grand.

I may still resort to eating ramen noodles to support my family but it will be worth it.”