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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

This Thing Looks Like That Thing, and Also, This Other Thing Also Looks Like That Other Thing from the Same Thing

Does Chip Kidd read Gothamist? (Probably not.)

Within hours of the smutty gubernatorial scandal’s breaking, Gothamist, the New York City–centric web log, challenged its readers to contribute Photoshopped fun (for free!). A week later, New York Magazine, the New York City–centric magazine, challenged some of the world’s most successful graphic designers to contribute Photoshopped fun (for a fee).

Can you tell which cheeky Chanel ad was designed by Chip Kidd, the legendary book-coverer and cheese monkey, and which was done by freelance commenter José?

At left: Client No. 9, by freelance commenter José , “We Can Haz Spitzer Photoshop?”, Gothamist, March 10, 2008; Right: Client No. 9 (Redux), by designer Chip Kidd, illustrating “The Governor and the Darkness,” New York Magazine’s March 24 issue.

Earlier in the week, New York Press also echoed the ’mist’s Something Awfulesqe photomanipulative dare:

At left, Eliot Spitzer and Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, by commenter Jason, ibid.; Right: Eliot and “Kristen” in “Pretty Stupid,” gracing the cover of New York Press’s March 12 issue.

See? New York’s professional graphic designers and its wacky Internet surfers think alike under deadline: hacky jokes requiring 15 seconds of Google Image Search and 45 seconds of cutting and pasting.

Also, it’s worth pointing out that this week, Y.P.R. out-Krugered Barbara Kruger.