Some of Y.P.R.’s archive of screenplays, treatments, pitches, and script coverage:
“Diary of a Hollywood Script Reader by Charlotte Perkins Gilman” by Ryan Mazer
On occasion, I drool on them. For this reason I have asked that all future scripts be laminated.
“Coverage from a Hollywood Reader” by Ray Stillman
An article from 2004, in which Mr. Stillman predicts quite accurately the ways in which the inevitable adaptations of The Da Vinci Code and The Devil Wears Prada will stink.
“Some of Hollywood’s Greatest Surprise Endings Revealed and Synopsized” by Greg Ruehlmann
M. Night Shamayalan rendered the unexpected inevitably expected.
“Toy Stories” by Michael Rottman & Jeff Szpirglas
Bad Slinky, and other toy-to-screen adaptations in the wake of Transformers’ success.
“20th Century Fox’s New Christian Mini-Studio FoxFaith Announces Its Planned Releases For 2008” by Shap Sweeney
David Spade and Rob Schneider are Cain and DisAbeled!
“Sneak Preview: Merchant-Ivory’s Hostel” by David John
Close-Up: Percy Bysshe Shelley. He’s strapped naked to a decaying dentist’s chair …
“A Short Film That Will Be Rated ‘R’, for Nudity, Drug Use, Adult Language, and Excessive Violence, in That Order” by Ray Stillman
“A Miramax Development Executive’s Notes on My Date Last Night” by Josh Abraham
— More cleavage on the girl.