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The Journal of Literary Satire | Hastily Written & Slopilly Edited
Tuesday, June 12, 2007   |    Fiction

Raymond Carver Mad Libs

by Jesse Kavadlo

1. man’s name
2. bad job
3. woman’s name
4. slightly better job
5. bad feeling
6. -ing verb plus activity
7. verb plus bad decision
8. smokable thing
9. alcoholic drink
10. a different bad feeling
11. question that’s a cliché
12. terse, uncommunicative response
13. another, different bad feeling
14. a bad, dreary place
15. description of a car
16. verb that is an activity
17. greeting
18. unfriendly reply
19. angry sarcastic question
20. a really bad place
21. way of saying good bye
22. another bad place
23. another alcoholic drink
24. unusual object
25. -ing verb plus activity
26. another smokable thing
27. another alcoholic drink
28. expletive
29. made-up word
30. another expletive
31. infinitive verb

Carver Mad Libs

Jesse Kavadlo lives in St. Louis.