Saturday, February 24, 2007

Dear Steve,

Rick Astley!I love my iPod so much. Probably as much as I do Rick Astley. In fact, I filled my entire 60-gig iPod with Rick Astley originals and covers. It’s all Rick all the time. Rick on the way to work. Rick on the way home. Rick for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Rick when I wake up and Rick when I go to sleep. I never dreamed I could get this much Rick and it’s all thanks to you and your marvelous little gadget. I don’t know what I’d do without my iPod, especially now that I’m required to keep at least 500 feet from Rick at all times. Seriously, all I wanted to do was show him my iPod, but I guess he was scared because of the last time I tried to show him something. Anyway, thanks again!

Happy birthday!

Best wishes,
Geoff Wolinetz

February 24, 1955 | Steve Jobs | big apple

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Theatrical Terms and Trivia A person who whistled in the theater ran the risk of drawing the unwanted attention of the sailor/stagehands, who would sexually assault the whistler and/or rob them for rum money.

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