Hi folk ,
Welcome. You hold in your crafty little hand the eventeenth i ue of crapbooking Monthly!
Gue which one of my key i broken?
If you think it’ that naky letter between “r” and “t” in the Engli h alphabet, good gue ! Boo-yah!—You’re marter than the average crapbooker!
Ju t kidding! You ee, there i no uch thing a an average crapbooker!
But, ye , a all you martypant can a certain, the key between “a” and “d” i broken like a trailer in a tornado! hoot! Rather than go with my fir t plan, which wa to put in a fey li p, you know, a in “he lithped like a boatful of thailor ,” which would have been o wicked naughty and funny, but then I recalled how many of you probably have a gay on or nephew or even hu band, if ocial cienti t ’ tati tic are to be tru ted. Heck, for all I know, ome of you reader might even be le bian , although I imagine few of you are men, gay or traight.
Whoever you are, I thought we could muddle through thi key malfunction together. For we are crapbooker ! We are intrepid, and we wait for no one! We et it down on the page while the madding world ru he on to the next trendy hobby. We cut and pa te more than a pre chool computer nerd with a pair of electronic ci or , if there i uch a thing.
I’m in a fei ty mood, aren’t I? I feel crappy! I mean, DARN it! Ha ha, that wa for all you darned darning enthu ia t ! You’re welcome! Now go make me a large pair of ock Hee hee. Rock out with your ock out! ROFLMAO!
That get to the topic of thi month’ editor’ letter: The modern hobbyi t enjoy all manner of hobbie —not ju t crapbooking. There’ a lot of cro over anymore: Knitter crapbook, tenni player crapbook, cro country kier crapbook, and writer practically have crapbook coming out of their a crack ! And there may even be pecialty publication for all of tho e other illu triou hobbie a well.
However, crapbooking ure beat all tho e other tupid hobbie , right? I’m talking about modern crapbooking. (Not to be confu ed with “crapbooking,” again, if there i uch a thing, and I hudder ju t thinking that maybe there i . Po itively gro !)
Anyway, check out our feature on adhe ive : It ha everything you need to get tuck on crapbooking all over again, like the way I’m tuck on thi weet job!
By the way, we love letter to the editor around here. And we want to hear from you! What do you think crapbooking Monthly i doing right? Conver ely, what i crapbooking doing wrong?
Along the line of that latter ubject, and I wore I wa n’t going to bring thi hit up, but a mall, vocal minority of about ixteen letter-writing critic keep trying to ubvert my editor hip. To you “un weet 16,” I ay thi : You can go uck your elve dry.
Try a he might, the on of a bitch publi her here can’t fire me anyway—at lea t not without a big time law uit for breach of contract. It’ true that we’re till orting thing out at thi magazine. However, the hit torm of vitriol i uncalled for. Per onally, I think ome of you letter writer have been itting too clo e to your crapbook and inadvertently niffing glue. Hey, it happen . I can atte t to accidentally niffing inhalant , ju t don’t tell my health in urance provider, plea e. eriou ly. Do not tell them.
Now I’m orry I went and got o eriou , but eriou ne i the notty ti ue that hold the fabric of ociety together. And we’re all about ti ue paper and fabulou fabric around here!
Happy crapbooking, everyone, ave for you bitche who tried to get my a hitcanned. You know who you are, and you uck.
tephanie mith-Wil on
enior Editor, crapbooking Monthly