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Friday, June 23, 2006

Call for Shreek Writers!

ethanshreekspose.JPGHave you been reading and following the Shreek of the Week of the Day? No? My goodness, go wash your eyes out with soap this instant. Then come back and be prepared for Shreek of the Week of the Day 2.0. We’re looking to make the Shreeks something that actually happens on a daily basis and we’re looking for writers who would like to sponsor a week of Shreeks.

Version 2.0 will relaunch the week of July 4th. What better way to celebrate independence and freedom than by celebrating sometimes catchy, sometimes moldy music?

Interested in Shreeking? Drop us an email and we’ll make it happen. I mean, if we don’t tell the world how lovely and sickening early 80s British synth-pop was, who will?