& Recently . . .

A Pleasing Labor Day to You All

Propaganda by the War Production Board, 1943, courtesy World War II History….

Transmogrify This

“New Orleans is not fast or energetic or efficient, not a go-get-’em Calvinist well-ordered city.”

—from “What It Means to Miss New Orleans” by Mark Childress, in The New York Times, Sunday, September 4, 2005.

“There will be pictures of bodies falling from the twin towers, beheaded kidnapping victims in Iraq and corpses still floating in the waterways of New Orleans five days after the disaster that caused them. It’s already clear this will be known as the grueling decade, the Hobbesian decade.”

—from “The Bursting Point,” an Op-Ed column by David Brooks in The New York Times, Sunday, September 4, 2005.


The Unspoken Vasquez: James Cameron’s Aliens, First Folio

by Michael Rottman

Excerpted from a manuscript discovered in a cedar trunk at James Cameron’s estate sale:Sc. 30HUDSONHey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?VASQUEZThe question cleaves to Hudson—hast thou? (Aside) The jackanapes disturbs me not, though I, Unwomanly and hard…

Polish Fact

Public Holidays in Poland
January 1 (New Year's Day) -- Nowy Rok (Nowy Rok)
Easter Sunday -- pierwszy dzień Wielkiej Nocy (Niedziela Wielkanocna)
Easter Monday -- drugi dzień Wielkiej Nocy (Poniedziałek Wielkanocny)
May 1 (State Holiday) -- Święto Państwowe (Święto Pracy)
May 3 (Constitution Day) -- Święto Narodowe Trzeciego Maja (Święto Konstytucji Trzeciego Maja)
Pentecost Sunday -- pierwszy dzień Zielonych Świątek (Zielone Świątki)
Corpus Christi -- dzień Bożego Ciała (Boże Ciało)
August 15 (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary) -- Wniebowzięcie Najświętszej (Maryi Panny)
November 1 (All Saints' Day) -- Wszystkich Świętych
November 11 (Independence Day) -- Narodowe Święto Niepodległości (Dzień Niepodległości)
December 25 (1st day of Christmas)-- pierwszy dzień Bożego Narodzenia
December 26 (2nd day of Christmas) -- drugi dzień Bożego Narodzenia

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Was ist im Leben am besten? Ihre Feinde zerquetschen, sie sehen, gefahren vor Ihnen und die Wehklage der Frauen hören!
What is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

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Thursday, September 8, 2005   |    Etc.

Doing Our Part

Y.P.R. faithful,

We’re rarely serious (ask our parents, bosses, wives, fiancées, roommates and the people at Starbucks who correct us when we insist upon ordering a “large” coffee rather than bow to their needlessly complicated coffee-ordering nomenclature), but there are some things in this crazy world of ours that deserve our sobriety and support.

Rather than harp on the details of the ludicrously slow response and the ineptitude of the leadership involved in the relief process in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, we’re here to point you in the direction of some people that are tireless in their pursuit to help those people most effected by this disaster. They are the American Red Cross. Whenever there is a tragedy of any kind, they are the first ones there and the last ones to leave, asking nothing but financial support to provide help to people who really need it.

If you haven’t given something yet, here’s the link to do so. Quite simply, this is the largest natural disaster in recent American history and every little bit helps.

Thanks and we’ll see you tomorrow,