Lesser Known Secrets from Secret Antiperspirant & Deodorant …
Secret #15
Sometimes I lie about my age
Secret #27
I think mustaches are sexy
Secret #29
I carry a rabbit’s foot with me on my first dates
Secret #36
My favorite Beatle is Ringo
Secret #46
I whistle in the shower
Secret #48
I let my dog sleep on the bed while I get fucked
Secret #49
I’m addicted to Karaoke
Secret #50
I used to be a roller-skate queen
Secret #57
My favorite dress is from Target and I shoplifted it
Secret #58
Romantic movies on the WE channel make me cry
Secret #66
Weddings make me cry
Secret #76
Sad songs make me cry
Secret #78
I often throw up after giving head
Secret #91
I wash my hair with my own urine
Secret #94
I watch ESPN just to help me get myself off
Secret #95
There’s this thirteen-year-old bag-boy who works at Safeway that
I totally want to nail
Secret #99
I love it when a man doesn’t shave off all his body hair
Secret #107
My fantasy is to go back in time to my high school prom, wear a spectacular Dolce & Gabana dress, have Kevin Spacey as my date, and revive the living dead to come and slaughter all those bastards who ignored me. Who’s laughing now?!
Secret #112
I bleach my asshole
Secret #116
I still play with dolls
Secret #118
I worship an omnipotent squirrel named Connor who lives in the tree outside my bathroom window
Secret #129
I accessorize with a strawberry-blond merkin
Secret #137
If I were a supermodel, I’d use all my money to give to charity, and to buy crack for said charities
Secret #143
I pretended to be insane to avoid going to trial
Secret #155
When I’m having sex with a complete stranger, I often think about Uncle Richard
Secret #156
They’ll never pin that murder on me, as long as they never find the gun that I hid under that Dumpster on the corner of 38th & Park … Oops! Damn it!
Secret #177
I give names to each one of my dildos corresponding to the president they most closely resemble
Secret #179
I’m going to spend my modeling fee from the Secret campaign on an ass-lift
Secret #180
When I get anxious, I pluck out my pubic hair. With my teeth.
Secret #182
In a manner of speaking, I have a penis
Secret #201
Most of my so-called friends have tried to get me committed at one time or another
Secret #221
I had to sleep with four executives at Procter & Gamble to get this gig
Secret #319
I hate myself