Monday, March 7, 2005


1. How’s life treating you?


Well, I’m on my book tour, which is exhausting, and I’m now in England and suffering from major jetlag. But yesterday, I had a few hours off in the afternoon and went for one of those magical walks that are really only possible in London—and got transported into an alternate reality. So the answer is: not so bad.

Mr. Gladwell is the author of Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking and The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference.

Trapped in Malcolm Gladwell’s Hair Day 1: It has taken me a while to get my bearings. I spent an unknown amount of time disoriented and unconscious, but I’m more lucid now and more comfortable. This environment is stifling and odorous. The best I can...
Two Real Case Studies in Snap Judgment Involving My Parents Scenario 1: My Father I’m watching “Evening at the Improv” in the mid-90s when my father enters the room. “What are you watching?” he says. “This comedienne named Ellen DeGeneres,” I say. “She’s pretty funny.” He snorts. “Looks like a...
Blink . . . . . . , rub his eyes, stare in disbelief, and finally call his lawyers is what Paul Simon did when he realized Garfunkel had published a pseudonymous memoir. (As if those damn Norwegians weren't headache enough. Now this!) Did...

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