Get Yr Blink On.
The Y.P.R. Book Club solicits your spur-of-the-moment, off-the-cuff, split-second, ad-lib snap judgements regarding Malcolm Gladwell's Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking.
Send us your reviews, parodies, deleted chapters, etc. by February 28th, 2005. Blink!
100 bonus points if you write it in under one minute. 200 if you write it under 30 seconds.
As always, our inbox: ihave30secondstospare
This Is the Week That Is
Incoming! February 14, 2005
by your humble coëditor, Geoff Wolinetz, over at The Black Table.
& Recently . . .
Trapped in Malcolm Gladwell’s Hair
by John Tolley
Blink . . .
by Michael J. Ewing
A Brief, Reasoned Argument to Counteract the Two-Second Judgment You’ve Made to Buy Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink: the Power of Thinking without Thinking
by Gideon C. Kennedy
More Modern Trends
by Will Layman & Chris Osmond
Malcolm Gladwell, quick thinker
Dear Sam Raimi
Polish Fact
Population Growth Rate:
0% (2003 est.)
Learn a Foreign Tongue!
Learn Yiddish!
Der Tog nokh der Morgn.
The Day after Tomorrow.
Y.P.aRt Gallery