It’s easy to completely overlook the work of Daniel Robert Epstein; after all, his words are surrounded by lots of naked flesh. Pierced, dyed, shaved, and tattooed naked flesh. SuicideGirls, the online ’zine, is probably what Hef would’ve dreamed up…
The tabby cat has spent a week in his master’s easy chair, postureless, glacierlike, mesmerized by the soporific television programming, existing (barely) in a Kafkaesque stupor….
Welcome to beautiful Nigeria, land of mountains and plains! Experience Nigeria’s rich culture and rich climate! We have over 250 different peoples speaking different languages and practicing different religions. Can you imagine the how much war we have been having…
9:31 a.m. Senator Bill Frist (R-TN) takes the floor to begin the day’s senate hearings on the outlawing of gay marriage. As Frist approaches the podium, the Republicans are seen fervently chanting in unison, “Bill the Cat! Bill the Cat!”…