Does the Appropriation by Target of Sir Mix-A-Lot's "Baby Got Back" Disquiet You?

Your Disquieting Modern Trendsetters request the pleasure of your commentary. Is Target's recent "Baby Got Back (Pack)" advertisement a modern trend that sparks disquitude? Please drop Messers Layman and Osmond an e-mail.

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Thursday, June 10, 2004   |    Birthday Cards to Celebrities

Gershon, Gina

June 10, 1962 | Gina Gershon | rock star?

Dear Gina,

You’re my favorite actress-turned-rock star, even though you aren’t as popular as some other actress-turned-rock stars who won’t even read my letters. I mean, I’m not offended or anything that someone became way too busy to read my letters anymore. When you have a clothing line, movies to make, songs to record and people to marry, you can’t make time to read every single letter, even if the letter was sent by a longtime fan from the “Fly Girl” days and not some Johnny-come-lately Maid in Manhattan fan. Oh God. It still hurts. I’ll be fine.

Hey, so I’m in a rock band too and I was wondering if you wanted to tour with us. We hit a lot of the bigger clubs in the greater Columbus metro area. We do mostly Jim Nabors songs but the people here seem to love us. Let me know when you get a chance.

Happy Birthday!


P.S. Dear God, you’re hot!