Monday, August 18, 2003

Dear M-J,

Happy 33rd Birthday!

Dude, tell that bastard Cockroach he owes me 70 bucks. If that sumbitch doesn’t pay up soon, I’m gonna get all slaphappy on his deadbeat ass with the leg that broke off my coffee table.

Happy Birthday!

Your friend,

August 18, 1970 | Malcolm-Jamal Warner | Cosby kid

Happy Birthday, Patrick Swayze! Dear Mr. Swayze, Happy 51st Birthday! Wow, 51! How did you get so old? It seems like just yesterday you were warning me not to put Baby in a corner. But now you're kind of old. I think I'll put...
Happy Birthday, Christian Slater! Dear Christian, Happy 34th Birthday! Heathers: Good. Pump Up the Volume: Good. True Romance: Fucking good. Everything else: Not so much. Happy Birthday! Your friend, Ray...
Happy Birthday, Robert Redford! Dear Mr. Redford, Happy 66th Birthday! Bob, what the hell happened to you? You used to be this good-looking golden boy, or so old people tell me. Now you look like you dipped your face in a vat of molten...

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