Monday, May 26, 2003

from: Wood, Greg (
to: Memorial Day BBQ List
date: April 30, 2003 9:02 AM
subj: Greg&Molly’s Mem Day BBQ Bash!

Hi everybody! Molly and I would like to invite y’all to our annual Memorial Day BBQ Bash!!! I know it’s a little early but we want to make sure everybody marks their calendars! Last year so many people were busy with prior engagements that only a lucky handful got to come to “Greg & Molly’s ‘A Memorial Day to Remember!’” and experience Moll’s delicious casserole surprise! Not to mention the fireworks afterwards! (Don’t worry, we promised the fire dept we wouldn’t put sparklers on the cake this year…!)

This year, in support of all our troops overseas, we’re going with the most patriotic theme we could think of. That’s right: “G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero”!!!!!!!!

We went to the dollar store and loaded up the station wagon with over $125 worth of stuff! Red, white, & blue sporks, camouflage plastic tablecloths, little green army men … Yo Joe!

We’d like everybody to come dressed up as their favorite Joe or Cobra guy. I’ll be Duke, of course, and Molly will be Lady Jane. The boys will be Tomax and Xamot, the evil twins!

Please R.S.V.P. and let us know who you plan on dressing up as, so that way we don’t have 50 Cobra Commanders running ‘round our backyard! Remember: Knowing is half the battle!

See you all there,
Greg & Molly

P.S. No fake guns please. I know we’re all playing soldiers for Memorial Day, but Molly and I don’t let the boys play with them, so it wouldn’t be right, even for the grownups.

P.P.S. Don’t worry, the dog will be locked in the basement this time, so there won’t be another mauling incident! But still, nobody should keep any chop meat or beef jerky in their pockets, just in case. Thanks.

from: Wood, Greg (
to: Memorial Day BBQ List
date: April 30, 2003 9:06 AM
subj: Re: Greg&Molly’s Mem Day BBQ Bash!

Whoops, I was so excited I forgot to give the details. The grill will be fired up Memorial Monday, 1200 hours. (That’s 12 o’ clock, for you non-military civilian folks!)
— G

from: Wood, Greg (
to: Memorial Day BBQ List
date: May 2, 2003 4:15 PM
subj: Greg&Molly’s Mem Day BBQ Bash!

Hey everybody, just a reminder to R.S.V.P. early! We need to know many burgers to buy!

Greg “Duke” & Molly “Lady Jane” Wood

P.S. Don’t forget to tell us what costume you’ve picked!

from: Wood, Greg (
to: Memorial Day BBQ List
date: May 2, 2003 1:56 PM
subj: Re: Greg&Molly’s Mem Day BBQ Bash!

Hi everybody —

Gary just e-mailed to ask if we’re serious about the costume, so I thought it’d be best to send my reply to all. YES! Of course we’re serious! We even have prizes for best costume!

See you all there!

from: Wood, Greg (
to: Memorial Day BBQ List
date: May 2, 2003 2:15 PM
subj: Re: Greg&Molly’s Mem Day BBQ Bash!

Thank you, Bruce and Lance for being the first to R.S.V.P.!

For those of you who haven’t yet met our new next-door neighbors, Bruce is a nurse at St. Jeremiah Hospital and Lance works in a flower shop downtown!

You’ll recognize them at the BBQ—Bruce will be dressed as Shipwreck, the sailor Joe, and Lance as one of Shipwreck’s swabbies!

Greg & Moll

from: Wood, Greg (
to: Memorial Day BBQ List
date: May 3, 2003 9:41 AM
subj: Re: Greg&Molly’s Mem Day BBQ Bash!

Well, that was fast! 15 responses overnight! Only 51 to go! It’s a shame so many replies were regrets, though. Well, you busy people are the first ones invited to Mem Day 2004!
G & M

from: Wood, Greg (
to: Memorial Day BBQ List
date: May 9, 2003 11:22 AM
subj: Re: Greg&Molly’s Mem Day BBQ Bash!

Hello everyone!

Just thought I’d keep you all posted on the status of Memorial Day ‘03! Some parents of the boys’ friends wrote in to tell us what a wonderful idea they think this is! I know we previously asked that no costumes be repeated, but it seems nearly all the kids want to be ninjas, so there will be a lot of Snake Eyes and Storm Shadows, and one Quick Kick. Interestingly, little Billy Chan, who is Asian, will be dressed as Serpentor. I guess he gets enough ninja action at home!

Well, can’t blame the little tykes for all wanting to be ninjas — after all, they’re only eight. So the “no repeat costume” rule is lifted for the kids … We don’t want to be Memorial Party Poopers and ruin their good time! (Plus, Molly and I fully encourage gun-less ninjas.)

But let’s us adults try to keep things in order! As mentioned before, Duke, Lady Jane, Tomax, Zamot, Shipwreck, and a generic Swabbie are all taken. Tom wrote to say he’ll be there dressed as “a soldier on leave” —very funny, Tom! And John wrote in to say he’d dress as “AWOL” Very funny as well, John!

Come on, now, nobody wants to be Roadblock? Gung-Ho? I know somebody wants to be Gung-Ho… How ’bout old shiny-headed Destro? You can even be wrestler guest-star Sgt. Slaughter!

Please R.S.V.P. soon! Memorial Day’s just around the corner!


from: Wood, Greg (
to: Memorial Day BBQ List
date: May 15, 2003 3:00 PM
subj: Re: Greg&Molly’s Mem Day BBQ Bash!

Hi all,

Sorry to hear so many of you cannot make it this year. Looks like it will be just us, Bruce and Lance from next door, and all the kids’ friends. It’s going to be crazy with all those little eight-year-old ninjas running around! Hi-ya!

Have a happy, healthy, safe Memorial Day, everybody, wherever you are!

Greg & Molly

from: Wood, Greg (
to: Memorial Day BBQ List
date: May 27, 2003 9:05 AM
subj: Re: Greg&Molly’s Mem Day BBQ Bash!

Hello everybody who couldn’t make it! We hope you had a great holiday. We sure did! And nobody got attacked by our dog or burnt by an oil fire this time!

Prize for best costume (child) went to … Storm Shadow! (a.k.a. Billy Watkins). Prize for best costume (adult) went to Swabbie (a.k.a. Lance). Congratulations to the winners!

Well, we’ve got plenty of leftovers, and three photo albums full of Polaroids. Any and all are welcome at any time to help us eat all this red, white, and blue Jell-O!

And the best news is… you’re all invited to Greg & Molly’s annual July 4th BBQ! Mark those calendars, folks! The theme T.B.A. (Here’s a hint, though: Think American Idol and Bruce & Lance’s karaoke machine … )

Happy Post-Memorial Day!
The Woods

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