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Sunday, March 23, 2003
Oscar Coverage 2003

Oscar Coverage 2003

Yankee Pot Roast keeps its ear always close to the Hollywood buzzbin; Y.P.R. takes great pride in its connections to Hollywood’s élite; Y.P.R. owes hefty late fees to Blockbuster Video. Also, Y.P.R. used to date Renée Zellweger during her “chunky” junior-high-school days.

Here now, Y.P.R. proudly presents insight, commentary, and documented materials to provide you, the beloved reader, with a better understanding of all things Oscar.

Crappy Oscar Song That Is Not Clever but Shoots for Cheap Laughs Based on Recognition of Pop Melodies and the Juxtaposition of Movie Titles

Bruce Vilanche’s To-Do List

What’s in My Oscar Goodie Bag?

A Postcard from Joan

Henny Youngman’s Lifetime Achievement Award Acceptance Speech