NFL Competitor: June 2008 Archives

What is it?
Under the assumption that football could be watched and enjoyed in the spring and summer time, the United States Football League was founded in 1982. Their goal was to provide a springtime alternative to compete directly with the NFL.UR: -15

Why is it underrated?
Like the Canadian Football League, the USFL wound up being a proving ground for a lot of future NFL stars. But more than that, it influenced a lot of future NFL rules and trends.

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The Book


The Yankee Pot Roast Book of Awesome Underappreciated Stuff
by Geoff Wolinetz,
Nick Jezarian,
and Josh Abraham

Published by
Citadel/Kensington Books.
On sale June 24, 2008.

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This page is an archive of entries in the NFL Competitor category from June 2008.

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