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Tuesday, December 7, 2004    |    Fiction

Advice from Topeka

by Carol Novack
“Never trust nobody & you’ll live a long life.”                               —Edna Peatree

A woman slips a note into a copy of the latest Reader’s Digest on sale at a shop at Dallas airport. The note reads:

Hi. I’m Muffy. I'm young and gorgeous but lonely. Please write to me!

Edna Appleby finds the note and responds:

Dear Miss Muffy:

My name is Edna Appleby, from Topeka, Kansas. My granddaughter, Dotty, bless her heart, gave me that Reader’s Digest with your note in it because she knows how much I love Reader’s Digest, dear. She herself never reads it because she’s a fashion designer in Los Angeles. I’m much older than you, I suspect, and I’m very, very concerned you might be slipping this contact information in other magazines and it will fall into the hands of an ax murderer, one with brains enough to figure out where you live. And I know all about ax murderers because Elmo, my uncle by marriage to my sister who never had any sense, was one. He done killed six women in a farm outside of Topeka in the space of they say three minutes, including my sister and her bingo friends, because he was a very big horribly strong man with a vile temper and no control at all and ugly as a dung beetle to boot. And they fried him, thank the Lord, so he’s been getting his just deserts for years.

You’re a very lucky young lady, Miss Muffy. I just got this Web TV thing in the mail from my grandson Bobby and my naybor's son Billy teached me how to use it and I’m having so much fun. Just imagine yesterday I found one of my elementry school classmates what lives in Baton Rouge and she writes me all about little Joey Figs, what used to be class clown, so she tells me all about how he’s been indicated for securities fraud. You never can tell about people I always say which is what you should always be bearing in mind, dear, because the world is full of all sorts of terrible people and I don’t know why but the Lord has a reason for everything. Amen.
Now my husband, Willy, who passed away five summers ago, bless his heart, was a good man and he worked hard while the babies came bursting out of me like little popovers. We fed those babies and I took a job in the tire factory and they all growed up in good health except for two who was stillborn. And except for Elmo and my nasty drunk daddy, I can’t really say I got too many complaints about my life because I was very very careful to never get mixed up with dangerous mean fruitcakes so now I’m ripe as an apple what's already fallen from a tree, but a little bored but don’t you be telling anyone that.

Maybe you’d like to correspond and make a lonely old lady like me happy because the kids and the grandkids don’t write or visit much because they’re very busy and to tell the truth they try not to speak to me probably because I lost most of my hearing and had to get a hysterectomy, and then decided to go for a sex change, you know life is a bitch when you’re a woman. Anyways, I look forward to finding out where you live and what you do and whatever else you want to tell me.


Carol Novack is a reëmerging writer. In her yute, she actually managed to get someone to publish a book of her poems, Living Alone without a Dictionary. She also prevailed on a foreign government to grant her a writer's award, which she squandered on ouzo and retsina on the isle of Lesvos. Ultimately, she returned to native N.Y.C., where she became a people's lawyer, representing all sorts of alleged miscreants and championing the right of street artists to sell their works in public without a vendor's license. Much to her customary angst, she hardly wrote anything but legal motions and briefs. Eventually, Carol pursued a Master’s degree in social work, and managed to trap it. Carol's writings can be found online at Yankee Pot Roast, Smokelong Quarterly, Underground Voices, Journal of Modern Post, and The Beat-UK. Others are forthcoming in online and print zines, including Edifice Wrecked, Wild Strawberries, and Opium. Carol is the founder and editor of a forthcoming multimedia e-zine, Mad Hatters' Review, and will host a flash fiction and prose poetry reading series at Cornelia Street Café, in January, 2005. Click on for more information.

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Previously: « “American Pie”—A Fresh Slice
Nextly: Letter of Rejection to Dr. Phil »

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Novack, Carol