This Is the Week That Is

BTdingbat3.gifIncoming! February 14, 2005
by your humble coëditor, Geoff Wolinetz, over at The Black Table.

Music for the Masses

500 Best Songs!

Hey, kids! Do you like the rock 'n' roll? If so, head on over to
Matthew Tobey's City of Floating Blogs
to check out the O.C.D.-enabled megalist of 500 bestest songs ever, compiled from suggestions by the Internet's finest music dweebs, among them your humble Y.P.R. coëditors.

& Recently . . .

David Foster Wallace, TV Guide Synopsist by Teddy Wayne

Pimpin' Like a Pirate by Nick Jezarian

Tetherball with Grandma by Geoff Wolinetz

Daniel Robert Epstein


Dear Wikipedia

The Y.P.R. Book Club Returns!
Y.P.R. solicits your spur-of-the-moment, off-the-cuff, split-second, ad-lib snap judgements regarding Malcolm Gladwell's Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking.

Send us your reviews, parodies, deleted chapters, etc. by February 28th, 2005. Blink!

Geographic Coördinates:

52 00 N, 20 00 E

Learn Many Languages!

Meat-stuffed pasta pocket:
Ravioli (Italian)
Wonton (Cantonese)
Kreplach (Yiddish)
Pierogi (Polish)
Pelmeni (Russian)

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Friday, August 20, 2004    |    One-Question Interviews

Danny Gregory, watercolor journalist

1. Is a picture worth a thousand words?

Danny Gregory

I guess it depends on who you are and where you are.
'Abu Ghraib' by Danny Gregory
If you’re Army Corporal Charles Graner of Abu Ghraib fame, this picture is worth eight words from your boss: “You are sentenced to 24 years in prison”.

If you’re Donald Rumsfeld, the same picture is worth a whopping twenty-two words from your boss: “You are doing a superb job. You are a strong Secretary of Defense. And our nation owes you a debt of gratitude.”

This indicates that Spc. Graner is an E-4 and earns $1991.50 per month while Sec. Rumsfeld has a much higher pay grade.

On the other hand, if you write a thousand words for the average online satirical magazine, figure on not getting paid anything. Do a watercolor for an online satirical mag and figure, again, on not getting paid anything. So, online, a picture is worth pretty much the same as a thousand words.

In short, I’d much rather have a picture in Yankee Pot Roast than a long sentence in the stockade.

Your pal,

Mr. Gregory is the author and artist of Hello World: A Life in Ham Radio and Everyday Matters, and the forthcoming Change Your Underwear Twice a Week. His weblog is Everyday Matters.

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Previously: « Dan Kennedy, small-talking memoirist
Nextly: Marc Maron, funny person »

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