Novack, Carol
Carol Novack is a reëmerging writer. In her yute, she actually managed to get someone to publish a book of her poems, Living Alone without a Dictionary. She also prevailed on a foreign government to grant her a writer's award, which she squandered on ouzo and retsina on the isle of Lesvos. Ultimately, she returned to native N.Y.C., where she became a people's lawyer, representing all sorts of alleged miscreants and championing the right of street artists to sell their works in public without a vendor's license. Much to her customary angst, she hardly wrote anything but legal motions and briefs. Eventually, Carol pursued a Master’s degree in social work, and managed to trap it. Carol's writings can be found online at Yankee Pot Roast, Smokelong Quarterly, Underground Voices, Journal of Modern Post, and The Beat-UK. Others are forthcoming in online and print zines, including Edifice Wrecked, Wild Strawberries, and Opium. Carol is the founder and editor of a forthcoming multimedia e-zine, Mad Hatters' Review, and will host a flash fiction and prose poetry reading series at Cornelia Street Café, in January, 2005. Click on for more information.
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