Trevor Seigler

Trevor Seigler once wrestled a vicious mountain lion bare-handed, but was unable to get a submission due to the ref being distracted. Now residing in Backwater Redneckville, South Carolina, he spends his days sending angry e-mails to various heads of state, annoyed that they refuse to sign his "Bring Back Knight Rider!" petition. He enjoys long walks on the beach, romantic dinners by candlelight, and an occasional screw. He still can't figure out why he's single.

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria? Get a restraining order
Recession-Era Adult Films Deep Pockets
Selected Letters from Peter Cook's Correspondence with Dudley Moore, 1967-1995 Dear Dud,
Just got back from the studio, Bedazzled is a go. What's all this about Blakey Edwards? Whatever, I'm sure P. Sellers will get the nod anyway (and the numerical title seems a bit off ... crazy Americans, they'd make a movie about the number ten for the hell of it). Anyway, see you round Elstree for first day's shooting.
The O’Reilly Factor for Kids: Chapter 4, “Toys” Hey kids, Bill O’Reilly here, and I’ve got some tips for you in regards to the kind of toys you should have if you want to grow up to be a stand-up guy or gal. But first, the Talking Points:...
Liner Notes for The Best of Trevor Seigler: Covers “Hit Me with Your Best Shot” (Recorded in the shower, June 5, 2000, 8:00 a.m.)This was my first foray into the art of taping myself singing, and as you can tell by the audio quality it's not up to...
The Passion of the Führer Critics are up in arms over Mel Gibson's next film, declaring that the director's anti-Semitic bias fuels his German-language epic, The Passion of the Führer. Gibson maintains that his picture, chronicling the last 12 hours in the life of the...
The Metamorphosis One morning, Gregor Samsa awoke to find he had turned into a Jean-Claude Van Damme. He was frightened at first, not sure what all this meant. He had spent the previous evening watching Timecop, the film in which Mr. Van...

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