Tony DiGerolamo

Tony DiGerolamo writes comic books including Everknights, The Travelers, The Fix, Jersey Devil, and, most recently, Bart Simpson #15 for Bongo Comics. He has had two screenplays produced, two novels published and a Web site posted that he built all by himself at

Stats for the Neal Pollack THE NEAL POLLACK AKA: Blog Monster, Chromatic Neal, Type 15 Pollack CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Urban, coffee shops and other places were bad writers gather FREQUENCY: Thankfully very rare NO. APPEARING: 1 ARMOR CLASS: 10 MOVEMENT: 9’ (3’ burrowing) HIT DICE: 4...
Things I've Learned from the Internet The Internet is a revolutionary tool that enables us to communicate all over the world. Its vast capacity for information storage is astounding and thus promotes our own knowledge and diversity. It has become the Industrial Revolution of our age....

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