Thomas Hopkins

Thomas Hopkins lives in New York City, is a professionally published writer, and is known throughout the professional publishing world as "The Architect of Fictional Gold Medalists." Do you yearn for fictional gold medalism? Do your fictions crave top-flight professional publishing's proven strategies? Are you hungering for the deep secrets of the inside scoops? The legendary Thomas Hopkins shall lead the way!

The One-Room M.F.A. Program Zora Neal Hurston was passed out drunk on the floor a some Harlem speakeasy, weepin soft-like, dreamin a the sweet, velvet thighs a Eudora Welty!
An American Casanova in New York, by Balthus Poindexter: A Reading Group Guide 1. Describe Pontius Boulevard. What kind of a character is he? Is the reader allowed to get inside his mind, or is it difficult to discern what he's thinking? Can anyone tell what he's thinking? Does his name sound to you a bit like "pompous blowhard"?

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