Savannah Schroll Guz

Savannah Schroll Guz writes book reviews for several publications, is part of the Hobart Web-editing team, and a member of the So New Publishing editorial board. Find her world, soundtrack included, at

A Letter to Alan from Ted I have you to thank for a wildly enjoyable evening. I haven’t had beluga since my days scamming randy old men at the Waldorf.
Tonight . . . and Beyond! From: To: Subject: Tonight . . . and beyond! Dear Angela (such an appropriate name! Like the angels!) I wanted to let you know that I had a wonderful time tonight, and I hope that you would like...
A Salesman Reborn Dear Bob, I am writing from a hotel room in Hackensack, New Jersey. You'll see the lovely stationery they offer their guests--for free. I had not expected this because in the establishments I am forced to patronize while on your...

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