Sally Reardon
Sally Reardon enjoys her Tae-Bo class and loves Billy Blanks. Not in the way you think she means. She wants to have sex with him. Her life is fairly simple. Everyday, she takes a morning bath. She wets her hair. Wraps a towel round her as she's heading toward the bedroom chair. It's just another day. Slipping into stockings, stepping into shoes. Dipping in the pocket of her raincoat. It's just another day. At the office where the papers grow, she takes a break. Drinks another coffee, she finds it hard to stay awake. It's just another day. Doo doo doo doo doo doo. It's just another day. Sally comes from Nashua, New Hampshire, and currently resides in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Sally's Guide to Cleansing Your Corporate Soul
I work for a soulless, multinational mega-corporation that specializes in hoodwinking its consumer base into purchasing an inferior product. This corporation has also caused many of its individual investors to lose most or all of their life savings over the...
Re: Why Girls Can't Drive
In re: "Why Girls Can't Drive" by Lisa Grover. Because our gigantic breasts get in the way of the steering wheel. Because cars are built with three side/rearview mirrors providing three distinct visions of how good/bad we look. Because sometimes...
A Good Piece of ‘S’
“Sally, you’re silly,” Sully said softly. “Sully, I’m not trying to be silly,” said Sally sullenly. “So don’t sully my name.” “Sorry, Sally. I don’t want to say something sordid that would stop you from saying something sweet to me,”...